
Dr Steven Gundry – The Trader with Hazardous Supplements? (2024)

Dr Steven Grundy is quack who has been debunked by renowned experts around the globe. He sells useless supplements and spreads harmful pseudoscience. Gundry is flagged as a high risk scammer!

Who is Dr Steven Gundry?

Dr. Steven Gundry

Dr Steven Gundry is an author & doctor by profession. He is from the United States of America and used to be a cardiothoracic surgeon before starting a clinic of his own. 

He is famous for his controversial and contradictory claims that he made in his books like The Plant Paradox The Longevity Paradox. You have probably read one of his books yourself, if you are reading this post. 

The Plant Paradox: “The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain”

The Longevity Paradox: “How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age”

  • The two theories given by Dr Steven Gundry and are one of the most controversial theories in the present research arena.

Psychological manipulation is one of Dr Steven Gundry’s main skills as he has made a cult like following around the web. These “followers” attack anyone who disputes or critiques the outrageous and wrong claims made by Dr. Gundry. 

Read also about: Charles Thomas Stevens

Steven got popular for his opinion on lectins, which is a plant protein. He claims that lectins cause major inflammation which is the cause of majority of commonly found modern diseases. However, this is simply not true. 

Real scientists & dietitians have called Dr Steven Gundry’s statement a “pathetic call for attention”.

His main product is a line of supplements which he sells to his brainwashed followers. These “supplements” are supposed to reverse the “damaging effects caused by lectins”. He also makes a significant amount of money from selling books on Amazon & audiobooks on Audible. 

How Gundry Manipulates His Targets

If you are not going to read the whole post, then please at least read this section. This will help you understand how Dr Steven Gundry’s scam works. If you are a Gundry MD fan boy, then this will hurt, because I’m going to tell you how you got manipulated and brainwashed by this quack. If you are up for it, then let’s get started.

Victim Profile of

He or she is interested in weight loss, dieting, keto, intermittent fasting & health supplements. Gundry’s marketing team is cunning and know the exact kind of people who will get brainwashed by Gundry’s BS. 

They mainly target emotionally vulnerable people who have had a love-hate relationship with their physical appearance. Steven knows these people can be easily manipulated.

Women in their late 20s to early 50s are the most common victims of Gundry’s scam. While men from 30-70 are also prone to believe in this quack’s lies.

The Brainwash Funnel

Social Media Recommends Target A Video Of Him

This will be the target’s first few introductions with Gundry. At this point, the target doesn’t know who Steven is.

YouTube, Facebook or Twitter suggests a video by Dr Steven Gundry to the target a few times. Once the target watches one video, the platforms’ algorithm floods the target’s recommendations with other brainwashing videos of Steven. After watching 5-30 videos, the target starts believing in Gundry’s lies religiously. 

Target Checks Out His Books & Buys One

Now the target has been watching Gundry’s videos for a while (est. 1 month – 3 months) and he is eager to “expand is knowledge”. Most people will buy one of Steven’s books at this stage, however, 9-10% of people skip this step and buy his horrible supplements right away. 

After reading 1-3 of the books, the target is finally brainwashed. Now comes the main part, the next step is the most important for Gundry.

Gundry Upsells The Target To Buy His Supplements

Now that the future victim has read Dr Steven Gundry’s books, watched his videos and already made a financial commitment, Steven now upsells them to buy his supplements. I’ve covered the quality and effectiveness of his so-called “supplements” in a section down below which I highly recommend you check out.

Read also about: Dr. Steve Gundry Reviews @

These supplements are expensive. However, Gundry will cut you a “deal” if you buy it using a code or through an affiliate link. This way, you’ll get your 1st package at a very cheap price, but this is just to get you addicted & hooked as Gundry shoots up the prices up to 3x for repeat customers.

Target Keeps Purchasing The Supplements

Now, the target has finally become a follower of Dr Steven Gundry. The placebo effect fools them into thinking that the $200/mo supplements they buy from are helping them get better, all the while Gundry’s pockets get fatter & fatter.

The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry

The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease  and Weight Gain

I came across “The Plant Paradox” while I was researching for this post. He has branded himself as a “cardiologist” but this is a lie, he is actually a cardiothoracic surgeon, which is totally different. In 2019, Gundry published a book named Diet Evolution where he made the statement that he mainly flexed his “survival muscles” being a heart surgeon/ researcher in order to keep his heart cells healthy & alive even under stress. Until 2004, Dr Steven Gundry had some respect in the community as a cardiac surgeon, but it’s been a downward spiral for him ever since. That’s when he started selling bizarre books on dieting and wasteful supplements online. We can say, that’s when he became an absolute quack.

His 2018 book called The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in Healthy Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain is supposed to be a life-changing book. Key-phrase being supposed to be. His book blatantly ignores the hundreds of years of scientific research and facts done by world-renowned researchers. Apparently only Gundry had the eye for the “secret tip” which he share sin this disgrace of a book. And only those who are willing to buy the book, will get to know this “secret tip”. Let me save you some money right here, don’t buy the book, there’s no “secret tip”. Let me explain in detail.

The Principles which surround The Plant Paradox are based on pseudoscience and pure nonsense. Dr Steven Gundry wants to convince you that lectins are the worst thing a human being can eat. And provides nonsensical evidence to base his theory, which have been debunked by real scientists and researchers.

Lectins Aren’t Harmful, but Gundry’s Quackery is!

Let’s take a look at T. Colin Campbell’s opinion on the lectins claim of Gundry. Campbell is of China Study fame and you can find his whole article on Gundry’s quackery here. In his article, Campbell exlaims that The Plant Paradox lacks any scientific backing and makes bogus & idiotic claims. Here is a snippet from the article:

The claims come fast and furious in this book, stated with a degree of certainty, without nuance, that undoubtedly appeals to many readers. But the referencing is so lacking and sloppy that Dr Steven Gundry should be embarrassed. The references that are cited in this book do a poor job of trying to justify its claims. And the bulk of the author’s wild claims lack references at all, with several examples of easily verifiable falsehoods. Because his claims are quite profound and novel, referencing of the findings of others and his own results are especially important. This is especially troubling for an author who touts his own research experience.

T. Colin Campbell

Once Campbell destroys the quack Gundry’s lectin logic, he goes on to reveal the true intentions behind Gundry’s book, selling the supplements. These supplements claim to save you from the ungodly harms of lectins:

In conclusion, there are many people who desire good health and deserve good information and we resent that they must suffer such poor quality and confusing information under the assumption that it is good science. Is it possible that Dr Steven Gundry is just out to make a quick buck? He admits that his patients give up to a dozen vials of blood for testing every couple of months at his clinic. Overtesting is common practice in supplement-driven clinics. 

This extensive testing, (which are another topic), is almost always used to demonstrate some type of nutritional pathology, which of course can only be corrected by taking the suggested supplements. And of course, Dr Steven Gundry sells supplements, including “Lectin Shield” for about $80 a month. According to his website, “This groundbreaking new formula was created to offset the discomforting effects of lectins (proteins commonly found in plants that make them harder to digest). Lectin Shield works to protect your body from a pile-up of lectins and to promote full-body comfort.”

T. Colin Campbell

Can Lectins Be The Next Gluten?

Gluten is considered bad for the most part because it is commonly found in foods like bread, pizza & pasta, and doesn’t provide any essential nutrients to the body. Not only that but certain individuals can get an immune reaction from eating gluten. The symptoms include inflammation and even damage to the intestinal tracts! 

But the main question is: are lectins as bad as gluten? 

This excerpt from James Hamblin MD’s article tackles this question in a sassy and knowledgeable way:

Yes, he also sells supplements he recommends. The last 20 or so minutes of his infomercial is a string of claims about how supplies are running low, and it’s important that you act immediately, and that if you do manage to get through to a customer representative you should order as much as you have room to store—the shelf life is great, etc. And the necessity of supplements is the crucial argument of the book. 

He writes, “Getting all of the nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.”
The GundryMD line of products includes something he invented called vitamin G6. Another is a “lectin shield” that’s “designed to neutralize the effects of lectins.” These are available on his website for $79.99. There you can also get six jars of Vital Reds for $254.70.

James Hamblin MD

Lectins Aren’t Bad For You, Saying Otherwise is Utter Nonsense

This statement comes from a guy with more credentials than 99% of the world population, MD David L Katz (FACLM, FACP, FACPM, MPH). He has also debunked the quack theory of Steven Gundry in his writings. Take a look at this section from one of his pieces:

The answer to- “should you fear lectins now?” is- yes, if and only if you do the same for oxygen.
As I recently noted to a colleague, oxygen is not a theoretical toxin with theoretical harms in people; it is a known toxic with established harms. The atmosphere of our planet is thus highly analogous to the dietary sources of lectins: both contain compounds with potentially toxic effects, but net benefit is overwhelming both from eating plants, and breathing.

“Do We Dare Eat Lectins? – David L. Katz (MD, FACLM, FACP, FACPM, MPH)

The Longevity Paradox by Dr Steven Gundry

The Longevity Paradox

If you thought The Plant Paradox was unbelievably bad, then you are in for a hell of a ride. Because The Longevity Paradox takes Dr Steven Gundry’s quackery to a sky-high level.

The book recommends highly unsustainable diet choices which are sure to get you sick. Following the diet plans which The Longevity Paradox proposes, will make your immunity worse and you’ll feel weak. I reached out to a professional nutritionist and sports & science expert to get a more precise explanation of why you shouldn’t follow this book:

The author has cited non sense studies and taken most of them out of context. He has done some research to put this all together, but it is quite obviously a very manipulative & biased book. The eating guidelines will make you extremely weak and fragile when used on a long term basis like the book suggests. You will constantly be in a caloric deficit, do that for a couple years and you might start suffering from micro nutrient deficiencies. 

The thing I didn’t like about the book at all, is the alternative to the outrageous guidelines mentioned in the book. The author recommends you to buy his supplements if you can’t follow the made-up guidelines for a better life.

Let me tell you one thing. Don’t follow this book if you want to lead a happy long life. The guidelines are strict to a point where you can’t hang out with your friends without being a douche bag. Exercise, eat good foods like oats, eggs, lentils, tofu, etc., and don’t drink/smoke a lot. Just following these “guidelines” will help you lead an amazing life, health wise.

Ugo B********e- Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

Dr Steven Gundry Dark Spot Remover Reviews

Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher Reviews
Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher

Do not buy Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher! I’ve been using it for 8 weeks now and have seen NO RESULTS whatsoever. I took the before & after photos and there is literally no visible difference in the spots that were on my hands. Don’t waste your money on his fake product, it doesn’t work!

Customer Who Bought Gundry Md Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher

I have been using their dark spot remover for 4 months and have seen zero effect on my spots. I wouldn’t have complained but there aren’t even any fades, their complexion hasn’t changed at all. Not gonna lie, I had high hopes from Dr Steven Gundry MD, but it turned out to be just another fake claims product. Don’t buy it!

Another Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher Customer Review

My daughter gifted me their dark spot remover on my birthday, it is not showing any results. The remover has did nothing. I wouldn’t recommend anyone with dark spots to waste their money on this product.

Gundry MD Dark Spot Remover Review

There are dozens of more reviews which are posted by real consumers on website including Dirtyscam, BB & TrustPilot, however, these should be enough to give you a clear picture. The Gundry dark spot remover is not a worth while product and like its users advise, you shouldn’t waste your money on it.

Dr Steven Gundry Age Spot Remover Reviews

The Gundry age spot remover doesn’t work! I used it for two months and saw zero results.Then I asked them for a refund from Gundry MD but they didn’t give me any confirmation on it. On my public review they told me they have a 90 days refund policy but those are lies, because I have not received a penny from them yet. Don’t buy, they are a scam!

One of the reviews from Gundry MD age spot remover reviews directory

I. Wasted. My. Money. The age spot remover has shown no results and it is so highly priced. I only bought it because I trusted doctor Gundry, I thought it was a good brand. Now my doubts are clear and I’ll never buy anything from you guys. You are frauds!

Anonymous Gundry age spot remover review

Where is my refund? I’m tired of waiting. You guys are testing my patience.

This person never received their refund but their complaint was deleted from the web by Gundry MD’s team

I included these testimonials & reviews to help you see the reality of Dr Steven Gundry’s products. Taking one look at these reviews shows that the “remover” products of Gundry MD don’t work. However, these are still not the worst products which Steven sells. That title is proudly held by his supplement line, which is 100% useless & exorbitant!

Vital Reds Reviews

Vital Reds reviews

My shoulders and hips have been hurting ever since iI started taking the Vital Reds. After w eek of taking the supplement my knees started aching so badly that I couldn’t walk without stinging pain. All the aches & pains vanished after I stopped taking this for a week. I do not recommend this poison to anyone!

Gundry MD Vitalks Red Reviews Post

No changes at all! I’m an old guy and in fine health, I bought the Vital Reds in a combo pack. The other brand which I used to take had the same amount of vitamins for a much less price. I feel defrauded.

Another review take from the Gundry MD Vitalks Red Reviews directory

Very overpriced product which gives no results! Unlike Dr Steven Gundry claimed, I have not felt any differences or effects of the supplement. I want a refund, this is too expensive to be useless.

An overpriced supplement for delusional freaks

Gundry MD Vitalks Red Amazon Review

They take no returns! I accepted the delivery of the product a few weeks ago. I started taking it religiously every morning and there are no changes whatsoever. By the way, I have a rash on my face now and I don’t have genetic acne! I wanted to return the product, but guess what, these ***** don’t let you return an opened package! This is totally outrageous and not acceptable. 

Just like before, most of these reviews are verified according to Amazon, others were extracted from other websites. 

A health supplement is not supposed to make your knees hurt or make you temporarily crippled, however this is exactly what Vitals Red from Dr Steven Gundry MD does to its users.

Total Restore Reviews

Total Restore Reviews

I would give it mins five stars if I could, I merely took it for ~10 days. I was forced to make an appointment with my doctor to see why the hell was I so ill. My quads and hamstrings were hurting, it was torture just getting up from the bed. My nausea was killing me. Then I realized that this all must’ve been due to this **** Total Restore supplement. Just after 48 hours of stopping, I’ve started feeling normal again. DO NOT BUY IT! 

I bought the Gundry MD Restore Support Capsule from, it was delivered on time. I bought it twice because after finishing the 1st bottle, I didn’t feel any effects. This is an elaborate scheme, Dr Steven Gundry reels you in with a small starting price and then increases the price 3x which you’re forced to pay. Totally not worth the money, gives no results.

The only change I noticed after taking this supplement, was in my bank balance. It’s a waste of time and money. Avoid it, there are better alternatives in the market.

Super overpriced supplement. Took it for a couple weeks but didn’t see any changes. Now it is just sitting in my medicine cabinet. Total waste.

This supplement turns out to be another one of Gundry’s placebo poisons. There’s no reason to take it except for self-harm which is not advised.

Bio Complete 3 Reviews

Bio Complete 3 Reviews

DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. I purchased this nonsense from Gundry’s website, had a striking pain in my stomach and felt extremely bloated throughout the day. This is a total BS supplement. No wonder there aren’t any good reviews of this ****. This guy is out here making millions of dollars from making people sick & bloated!

I bought this supplement after I watched a video of Dr Steven Gundry where he said the Bio Complete 3 would be good for my digestive health. However, since I’ve been taking it, I have been experiencing very bad diarrhea. It’s to the point where I’ve soiled my pants. This supplement also makes me feel light headed and dehydrated. 

Major gastric issues ever since I started taking the Bio Complete 3. Please do not buy this product. Gundry’s is spitting a load of **** when he says it’s good for you.

Gundry lied to me in the video. It has ruined my stomach and worsened my gut issues. These online quacks are ruining the industry for honest doctors. I have major trust issues now all thanks to Gundry. This guy is a bigger quack than Donald Duck.

The more supplement reviews we take a look at, the worse they get, it’s sad and fascinating. It is interesting that none of these people got any help from the Gundry MD support team, and in eCommerce customer support is crucial.

PrebioThrive Reviews

Prebiothrive reviews

Product does NOT work. I have painful gas in my stomach, it is so bad that I can’t even leave my house. I’m never buying it again. I’ve found a better probiotic which is half the price, I’m gonna try that. This one is just a waste of money

It hurts really bad in my belly a few hours after I take it. The pain was gone after a few days but only after I stopped. It is very bad. 

The Prebiothrive has caused massive bloating . It started two days after I started taking the product and I had to go to the hospital emergency room. This is poison!

I’ve been using the Prebiothrive for 90 days now. I bought it form and I took it according to my doctor’s prescription who apparently had an affiliate tie with Gundry. There has been ZERO Benefits! Their ad is very persuasive and manipulate, they did convince me to buy the supplement but it just didn’t work. I’m very fit, I eat good, I lift, but this product is absolute trash. There are no weight loss benefits too. 

They spam you every week if you stop buying the supplements. Don’t waste your health on them.

The Prebiothrive reviews show that you should not buy this product. It has shown to cause bloating and extreme discomfort while providing no results whatsoever. No one should risk their life and health over fake scientific claims which Gundry makes to sell these supplements.

People Hate Dr Steven Gundry & His Fake Claims

Many people have been scammed by Grundy and a few of them decided to help others see the reality by sharing their experiences online. However, most of these posts have been cleverly pushed into oblivion by the marketing team of Steven Gundry. They don’t want you to see this, and chances are, you didn’t even know they existed before I told you about them. Let’s take a look at what the internet thinks of Dr Steven Gundry.

Gundry MD scam
Dr. Gundry is a fraud according to Redditors

A redditor who goes by the user name u/NoBra2MatchMyPanties, posted his findings on Dr Steven Gundry on reddit. The user might have a very questionable username, but they made a striking point in this post. He points out that Steven is an “MD” not an expert on nutrition. Steven doesn’t have any credentials which make him qualified to give professional advice on things like lectins or fat loss. He just fools the masses with his direct way of speaking lies and openly deceiving millions. The post ends by a clever remark by the user: “Dr. Gundry. If you or anyone who has a vested interest in your business is reading this, you really shouldn’t have drawn my attention to your existence.”

steven gundry reviews is a reputed critical review platform where users can share their reviews on products, businesses, and service providers. An anonymous user shared a controversial 1/5 star review on this platform. The website shows a huge reported loss of $676,446! That’s a lot of money the customers lost by dealing with Gundry. This page has 81 reviews, all of them giving an average of 1 star to Dr Steven Gundry! These are shockingly bad numbers for anyone, let alone a well-known scammer.

review 3
Top Review of Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution Book on

This is literally the top-voted review of Dr. Gundry’s best-selling book, Diet Evolution. It is a verified purchase, so this is written by someone who bought the book and possibly read it. The reviewer has pointed out the big contradictions made in this book and how Dr. Gundry makes a fool of people.

Dr Steven Gundry is a Seasoned Scammer!

Investigation concludes that Dr. Steven R Gundry from is a skilled scammer & con artist. His products should be avoided due Dr. Gundry’s highly contradictory nature and unreliability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dr Steven Gundry a quack?

Yes. After a thorough investigation it is found that Dr Steven Gundry is indeed a scam & a quack.

Should I buy supplements from

No. Those supplements are proven to be harmful & useless for health & wellness. Medical professionals highly advise against taking any supplements which don’t have any scientific backing and verification, like all the supplements available on

Why don’t I see many Dr Steven Gundry negative reviews?

This is because review websites like BBB, which provide accreditation service, often let the company/individual remove the critical reviews from the internet. We don’t condone such sketchy behavior of Scam Tracers.

Are there any better alternatives to Dr Steven Gundry?

Yes. Simple training and a caloric deficit. This is all you need for weight loss, anything else might be helpful but without a caloric deficit, no one loses weight.

How do I warn others about the Dr Steven Gundry scam?

Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or any other platform where you can help others find out about Dr. Gundry’s quackery.

3.7 Total Score
Dr. Steven Gundry Review 2021: Verdict

Dr. Steven Gundry is a selfish sadistic quack who purposefully manipulates & lies to the masses. He brainwashes people with his books and videos and then sells them his overpriced useless supplements.

2.6Expert Score
Value For Money
4.8User's score
Value For Money
  • Was a cardiac surgeon once upon a time
  • Sells harmful & useless supplements
  • Puts people’s lives in danger just to make money
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Dr. Henrique J. Duck
Dr. Henrique J. Duck

Dr. Henrique Duck, PhD in Media Studies and Critical Theory, specializes in writing detailed critics stories and reviews. He has contributed to prominent newspapers and websites, providing insightful analysis of media content and its effects on society.

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  1. your last comentt about the way to lose weight is calorie restriction. You are way behind the times Calorie restriction lowers your metabolic rate. Cutting calories even more lowers metabolic rate even more. If you start to eat more then you gain weight at an accelerated rate. Ever heard of keto. easy to do and weight comes off easily.

  2. Hey gripeo (or should you be known as “griper”)—-mega-jealous of Doc Gundry much? LOLOL

  3. 5
    Value For Money

    I wouldn’t be so quick to call anyone a QUACK these days. Especially after all those QUACKS over at rational wiki swore that anyone NOT taking a COVID jab or suggesting to think twice about taking a COVID jab or anyone physically damaged by the COVID jab is indeed a QUACK in their extremely slanted opinion.

    + PROS: Professional
    - CONS: CONgress woMAN
    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  4. I was suspect from the get-go about all the miraculous claims on Gundry’s videos/ads/spams. He claims to have been at prestigious hospitals and universities. I used to be able to look up doctors at the AMA site but now it has become difficult to get information for average humans. Has anyone come forward from all his surgical skills to tell us what a remarkable surgeon he was? Doctors? Anesthetists? Nurses? Patients? Why does someone quit being a surgeon if he was so spectacular? Can anyone vouch for his positions and WHERE he committed surgeries? Where in his class did he finish? Top ten percent? Bottom 10%? This matters. The little I could find on him was that he graduated from Augusta University in 1977 and licensed in CA. No additional training mentioned, no additional fellowships. No hospitals. I find this curious. No other practicing physicians recommending him? I’ve never bought his products as you can find similar supplements at your local health food store to try with reasonable prices.

  5. I, like a LOT of people, fell for the Dr’s LIES and ordered
    the BIO COMPLETE 3.
    I too have noticed pain in the center of my belly and it also increased my bowel movements to 2-3 times/day.
    My main question is HOW, if possible, do we get a REFUND and STOP payments to this QUACK?!?!?!

  6. Who wrote this? Who does the author work for? Any medical, health, nutrition background? Some of quoted sources aren’t medical personnel. Doesn’t make their opinions useless but does question their research. I have a hard time buying what someone’s selling if they have no background, education or training in the subject matter the are talking about. This article seems like a pot calling a kettle black. Everyone should do their own research on a subject or process they intend to participate in. Would be more convinced if author was attributed. Which is the largest quak? Buyer Beware on both this article and Gundry.

  7. 0.6
    Value For Money

    After taking Gundry olive oil for three months, I stopped farting.
    I now snore but who cares.

    Helpful(4) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  8. 1.25
    Value For Money

    I’m a physician. I always tell my patients if something is too good to be true it’s not true.
    Dr. Grundy is a great salesman with credentials that most people think he is trustworthy. He claims that he works 6 days a week and doesn’t take vacations. As a Dr he should know at age 70 that is not healthy!

    He shows no real scientific data on his infomercials. Chances are if you give a group of people even a placebo (sugar pill) they will feel better too. The concept of leaky gut and lectins have been studied and remain a controversial subject.

    What I hate most is how “a world renowned doctor” sounds so desperate to sell his products. Listen to last part of his video. It’s pathetic.

    BTW I did try one of his products without significant benefit. I ordered a one time trial but they kept charging my credit card and sending me more stuff. I had to call them to stop it.

    Please do your own research and talk to a health care professional before buying or trying what you see on TV or social media. Use your common sense.

    + PROS: Used to be a surgeon helping people
    - CONS: False claims Desperate salesman No real scientific data
    Helpful(7) Unhelpful(1)You have already voted this
  9. 0.5
    Value For Money

    Ignore the affiliates promoting his products. I have tried his supplements, they are a waste of money. Took them for 6 months and saw no results. He pays his affiliates hundreds of thousands of dollars to praise him on social media. Ignore them.

    Helpful(8) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  10. 3
    Value For Money

    If there was any legitimacy to your claims you’d put your name on this article. You don’t provide ANY evidence against the research Dr. Gundry has done so one may conclude you’re either 1) jealous of his success or 2) part of the food industry with something to lose if more people refuse the eat the process crap that passes as “food.”

    Helpful(8) Unhelpful(16)You have already voted this
  11. Anyone who mentioned politics is automatically off my list of credible people.
    Anyone who doesn’t recognize that most of the pros and cons are purely anecdotal is disqualified. Nothing there is relevant to the question– are Dr. Gundry’s claims true? Do his recommendations work? Are his supplements pure and contain what he says they do? Supplements are just that– supplements. Pay attention to what you put in your mouth– stop eating sugar and processed foods. Polyphenols are very important and very lacking in most of our foods because of poor soil and food “processing” instead of actual agriculture. Anyone who is suffering from autoimmune diseases, cardiac disease, and other diseases such as retinal and macular degeneration will tell you that these polyphenols and other nutrients are essential to good health and stopping the disease. Those are scientific facts. Your grandmother knew to soak the damn beans before she cooked them. Maybe she didn’t know why, but she knew she was supposed to. Maybe start paying attention to what grandma did– which wasn’t open a can or tear open a carton of empty “food”. So if Gundry’s dietary recommendations are accurate (my MDs support his recommendations without mentioning him by name) and his supplements provide what our food industry cannot– then they “work” as much as each person’s physical body can assimilate. If you think big pharma and their miracle “cures” for diseases (which you didn’t know you had until their commercial told you so) actually “work” then you are truly not living in reality. Modern medicine exists to correct what modern food lacks and the diseases that causes. It’s a cascade of bad that begins at birth and by the time you’re 60 your health is probably circling the drain. Eat fruit in season for your area, like the farmers did– not whatever the supermarket ships to you year round. Eat lots of greens and veggies, all colors not just one or two of your favorites. Stay away from sugar and processed foods (peanut butter is NOT at health food). Eat lean meats that are not grain fed– grass fed. Take a good multi vitamin. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Drink your weight in ounces of water every day. Exercise. The rest is up to your genes. If you can’t eat veggies than a supplement like Vital Reds is a good addition to your diet. Everything in life doesn’t have to be so negative and polarizing people.

  12. Here’s what I know. I have tried a few of Gundry’s products, Vital Reds and I did feel better. However, after reading several books on Nutrition and my health history, I found out the cure for most illnesses: It’s YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. If your immune system is great, you will catch nothing!!!! I did not set out to boost my immune system.

    I was born healthy. My Dad was in the Navy and took me into the ocean at 2 years old. I adored my Dad and would do anything he did. I learned to tread water at 5. I started swimming at the Y at 6. I have swum every year, and I am not 72 years old. I never had a cold or the flu (I wanted to catch it since everyone lost 10 lbs with it). My hubby had it, and I tried to catch it from him but didn’t. I have burned my forehead with curling irons many times. Finally, I noticed the burn was gone in 2 or 3 days.

    Fat forward. I eat veggies and fruits and fish, occasionally meats. Every day I drink water with lemon, lime & cucumber. I keep it in a large jar in the fridge and put in fresh lemons, etc every three days. From that, I noticed all the skin tags I had on my neck had disappeared. I have read a report from the Mayo Clinic claiming the Powers or the Lemon. They actually said lemons would shrink tumors. Amazing. Spend time reading the information on how to boost your immune system. If your immune system is top-notch – YOU CANNOT CATCH ANYTHING. This is from a doctor. HE IS CORRECT. Although I did take the COVID shots and Boosters, I honestly think I would not have gotten it, but I didn’t want to pass anything on to others. I take no prescription drugs – they make me sick. When getting tooth implants, I have all my top teeth pulled in one sitting. The doctor gave me a prescription for pain and an appointment for the next day. I had no pain, so I didn’t get the prescription – He told me the pills were to prevent infection. I still didn’t take them, and I had no infection. My IMMUNE system won’t let me get an infection.

    Go natural. Forget these pills! Boost your immune system naturally. I also drink ginger beer I make myself. There are plenty of recipes on YouTube. I don’t use sugar; I use the extract from the Stevia plant – sold in Vitamin Shopp! I hope this helps many of you. I still swim and no one believes I am 72-years-old!! Good Luck!!

  13. 0.5
    Value For Money

    Steven Gundry preys on gullible people’s vulnerabilities. He uses NLP to take advantage of people who are in desperate situations like facing a terminal illness or having a loved one facing some addiction.

    He is a predator, nothing more.

    It saddens me to see how brainwashed some of his fans have become. The man is a scammer.

    Helpful(7) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  14. DUDE or DUDETTE you are AN ILL INFORMED MORON!!! U DO U BOO, don’t give a RATS ASS about YOUR FRAUDULENT ARTICLE, you DoucheBAG !!!

  15. 1
    Value For Money

    Warning,. His newest scam is olive oil

    Helpful(3) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
    • How do I know your not a quack yourself? By the way my comment isn’t allowing to go through. Do to your sight saying I’ve submitted my reply twice which I didn’t do. Who’s who?

    • How do I know your not a quack yourself?

  16. 0.5
    Value For Money

    We’re all quacks, every fucking one of us,and we are all different- what might not work for you may just work for somebody else- reference: ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY! don’t be so quick to point your finger at somebody else for your problems, look in the mirror first then walk a mile in their shoes( i know, tired old metaphors but they stuck because they are wise) and then decide if you are the lord of all knowledge, the allmighty and powerful oz! and if you come to that conclusion than cast your disparaging remarks but be aware that your ignorance is vast and nobody really knows what is best for somebody else- A LITTLE EMPATHY PEOPLE!

    Helpful(5) Unhelpful(7)You have already voted this
  17. 0.5
    Value For Money

    If people listen to this fool they’ll starve to death. He’ll end up 6 feet under like everyone else, lectins or no lectins. The guy’s a scammer he should be arrested and locked up and forced to pay back the people he’s scammed. Snake oil salesman.

    + PROS: None
    - CONS: A lot
    Helpful(11) Unhelpful(5)You have already voted this
  18. Cutting Lectins from my Diet completely reversed my Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Period. I had Inflammatory Problems for 25 Years. I self diagnosed my Inflammation and Food Allergies with cutting out certain Foods and pursuing diverse Diets for Decades, until I stumbled upon Dr Gundry. His free Advice truly changed my Life. It completely reversed the Arthritis that I suffered from for years. I say it again, it completely cured my Arthritis. And I did not buy any of his Products, he simply puts all his Info out there for free. So I really don’t understand the Anger against Gundry, stemming from this Article. It might not be for everyone, but cutting Lectins from our Diet did changed thousands of Peoples lives. Thanks not just to Dr Gundry, but all who truly are trying to help.

  19. 3.75
    Value For Money

    He is a thorastic surgeon. He is not a quackHe felt the need to prevent people from having to go through hesrt surgery. He is booked for a year in advance. If you got s ed ck maybe it is your diet not his products. Anyone that has to tear down this man has his own agenda and where is his degree that he is right

    + PROS: He is a thor a thorastic surgeon. He is not a quackHe felt the need to prevent people from having to go through hesrt surgery. He is booked for a year in advance. If you got s ed ck maybe it is your diet not his products. Anyone that has to tear down this man has his own agenda and where is his degree that he is right
    Helpful(4) Unhelpful(16)You have already voted this
  20. 3.6
    Value For Money

    He is a thor a thorastic surgeon. He is not a quackHe felt the need to prevent people from having to go through hesrt surgery. He is booked for a year in advance. If you got s ed ck maybe it is your diet not his products. Anyone that has to tear down this man has his own agenda and where is his degree that he is right

    + PROS: He is a thor a thorastic surgeon. He is not a quackHe felt the need to prevent people from having to go through hesrt surgery. He is booked for a year in advance. If you got s ed ck maybe it is your diet not his products. Anyone that has to tear down this man has his own agenda and where is his degree that he is right
    Helpful(1) Unhelpful(14)You have already voted this
  21. Why would he want all the criticism and being called a quack he did not need the money being a thorastic heart surgeon
    I tried his diet which is hard but after 3 1/2 years of pain from a drug a doctor gave me I had relirf from pain. I have done the diets my cardiologist put me on never worked to lower cholesterol I had quadruple by pass and 18 stents. I had a stroke my cardiologist made me scared that I could have another one took me of my blood thinners after having 3 strnts. Now these stents are closed brcause of tskingbme off blo and d thinners. They cannot do bypass or stents said I need heart transplant. Great I trusted these cardiolohist that have given me a death sentence.
    I may live 13 years on drugs the rest of my life to keep my body from rejecting the new heart.
    All these drugs were approved by FDA. THE DOCTORS have degrees I trusted them. Not anymore
    I have taken dr Gundrys supplements never had a bad reaction to any of them. I think him wanting to help people to prevent them from undergoing surgery is honorable.
    Just because you dont believe him it sounds far fetched that is you decision. He had more knowledge being a thorastic surgeon.
    Do you know they can grow organs or inject your heart with stem cells from a placenta which heals your heart and grows new veins?
    They are not FDA approved so you can die before they approve it. There are so many new technolohies they dont tell us.

  22. If this guy is a fraud,why is he still here?
    Ban the guy.

  23. Reading Dr. Steven Gundry’s books have been an eye opener and the results of following his healthy recommendations truly work. Supplements are not going to help you if you continue to eat unhealthy foods, in a combination of eating healthy they probably would do some good, but for example if you smoke and think that you can take a supplement to make it ok to smoke and that supplement is going to keep you healthy your wrong. so eating healthy and taking the right supplements you might need that are lacking in your diet are not going to hurt you.
    If you have any health issues the diet is worth a try, I can say for myself I have noticed an improvement after the first week, my hips stopped hurting and I have lost two pounds. and best of all I am eating more healthy foods then I did before. this cannot be a bad thing.

    • What is your degree and wbat is yout proof he is a scammer do you think he needed to sell these products to have money?
      He did over 10k procedures do you reallu think he needed to sell products to make money,,?
      He inventrd a device they use in open heart surgery.
      What can you do.
      Think why did this man start this site to csuse controversy because why?
      So many doctors agree with him

  24. Reply
    Moises Andrade De Leon
    March 28, 2022 at 12:56 pm
    Value For Money

    Your article is as poor as your claims for Dr Gundry’s work. You even seem bitter.

    Helpful(8) Unhelpful(3)You have already voted this
    • I think this article is a bit too harsh and will turn off a lot of supporters of Gundry… discrediting and calling him names like a “quack” then calling those who support him as “cultists” is just going too far… I will say the scummy upselling marketing of his site and seemingly very manipulative marketing in general is worth calling out but beyond that I wouldn’t go further without proof otherwise people will just dig in further to support him

  25. 3
    Value For Money

    if Vital red supplements are truly helpful according to his explanation,i.e basing it on salmons fish diet and energy why not recommend eating wild salmon on its own?

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  26. First, I won’t say much except that the author of the negative review needs a background in nutrition or other sciences re in one example Lectins. There are whole unadulterated foods and those that are highly processed (canned the worse) and because of that, they have lacking nutritional value and therefore a minimum of “supplements” are added. Humans need minerals, macrominerals, vitamins, prebiotics and much more.

    It is a complex science (my mother was an RN, PA but I started going “alternative” as it was then called long long ago when I was told I needed open heart surgery at age 18 from Rheumatic Fever and my doctor let me apply the research from the Shute brothers and wrote the Rx for very high doses of certain supplements) I had taken care of a pre MD students “horse farm” and read her alternative books while there – never looked back. Heart “hole” sealed up slowly over time and never had heart surgery!

    Also, modern farming methods (picking fruit when green to ripen later means immature fruit and vegetables (and pesticides often) I used to do such a job long ago when I took a break from college for a major company). Green and STORED for up to ONE year until shipped out.

    One example re Lectins.

    Lectins?? They can be VERY harmful to various metabolic systems IF eaten in their “ACTIVE” state but most are not eaten in such a state. Legumes (beans) but as most would know if one cooks one soaks beans often overnight before cooking and that eliminates most of the “active” lectins. (Lectins are water soluable.) Other methods are to sprout foods and thus reduce their impact. As well there are various sourts of digestive enzymes (a range is best) as when we age this facility, plus most NOT chewing food much (digestion starts with the enzymes in the saliva) and other reasons.

    Any decent naturapath or even one’s own research can find such products (do some research on why what is needed – I like one by an MD naturalpah Dr. Mercola. When I lived in NYC it was very easy to find such docs and outlet.)

    1 – Lectins are found in ALL plant foods but when we eat some that are HIGH in lectin is can cause a problem.

    My books are long gone when I moved but a reliable source Harvard…


  27. I bought into the scam!!! Two years ago,
    I knew about some of the ingredients and thought I’d give it a try. Told my sister about it. She bought one jar 365. Tasted bad. She said, I can’t drink STEVIA! I said, mine doesn’t have STEVIA.. well yes it did!!!!
    I have been seeing 3 Doctors.. my muscles have been wasting, I couldn’t pick up a grocery bag!! I’ve been an athlete all my life! The Stevia in the products is POISEN!!

  28. 0.5
    Value For Money

    Stephen Gundry’s supplements don’t work. My mom has been taking them for months and has lost all trust in him. There was a time when she used to be an avid fan of Dr. Gundry but as she used his products she started seeing how much of a fraud this guy is. Please don’t waste your money and time on this scammer’s products.

    - CONS: scam
    Helpful(7) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
  29. 2.5
    Value For Money

    Thank you. I have looked over your opinion of this Doctor. I find that you have no real basis for critisizing him the way you do. I do not see your credentials as being a highly respected Doctor yourself so it is very difficult to accept your view of him. However, I do feel that since you are so harshly critical of him…and I know that BIG PHARMA would love to see all wholistic doctors be done-away-with… I now feel that I really need to try these product out. I am excited!

    Helpful(12) Unhelpful(9)You have already voted this
    • Ester, you don’t need to be a doctor to research ingredients in supplements. Anybody, who peddles cures in pills is dishonest. If, that would be true, that news would be all over the world on national TV. I wish, it would be that simple.

      • Right, like the pharmacy ads every day claiming to heal something, “ask your doctor about my drug so they can prescribe it”. Sounds like peddling a cure to me.

  30. I don’t usually reply or engage with fake news like this but I must so that others are not mislead and turned away from something that could help them. I am one of Dr Gundry’s patients and I have extensive blood work that PROVES how transformative following his protocol can be. It does take work. His protocol is not for people that want the easy fix of being drugged by pharma. For me he has worked literal miracles in turning off a cascade of autoimmune symptoms.

    • J Blanco and Ester Hernandez perfectly stated. I am 64 and after 42 years, I started to run cross country again. On the same week I started to run, I purchased a nine month supply of Power Blues for $332.00. It cost me $1.20 a day. I finish my ninth month of 4/30/2022. The never-ending energy and the natural feeling is so much better than the many pre workout caffeine jittery drinks I’ve used in the past. at the beginning of 2022, I added 6 oz. of POM and 6 oz. of water to go with the scoop of Power Blues once a day. I have since earned 2nd place on my 64th birthday (11/25/2021) in the Groveland 5k Turkey Trot with a 26:10 after only a measly 3-4 months of running. Then in February, I earned 2nd place in the Strides for Education in the 5k AGAIN with a 25:07. Then the following month, I ran in the Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival 5k with a 25:13 and got 2nd AGAIN! It is the greatest supplement I have every taken in my life! There are a few problems with this site. First, you have to train/work to get results from it. If you are sedentary it won’t be as dramatic as it was for me. Second, you have to watch your nutrition. I have been a vegetarian since January of 2020. I eat very clean! I do eat one egg a day and some seafood but the rest is fruits/veggies. Third, there is some leeway on this. Favorable genetics do help some but unfortunately not everyone will get the same benefits. And what is the alternative? Big pharma? Eating processed beef, chicken, pork, or turkey? And what about hydration? My point is, there are some variables to figure into this and this site obviously ignores all of that and I hate that because so many will follow the way of the drug/food world without realizing that what God created is what’s best…..

    • Thank you! My boyfriend and I are using wholistic products as well and we are finding great results. In fact, his 18 year old daughter was diagnosed with CANCER. My boyfriend went full steam ahead with putting her on organic cancer fighting foods and after a year…they beat the cancer. His sisters have beat cancer several times using these methods and plants. It may not work for all… but, it does work for some. Now, I ask these people that are attempting to trash this doctor: When/IF your child gets ill with a life-threatening disease or condition, and you get desperate enough to try these products and methods diligently… IF IT WORKS FOR YOU…will you THEN be convinced? Or will you continue to trash these doctors just because BIG PHARMA says so? I suppose most will not want to admit they were wrong. But, that is on you.

  31. Doug, you truly ARE the reason why your candidate LOST.Now can you PLEASE let it go? So how much money have you wasted on these do-nothing products?

  32. Anyone who would drop T. Colin Campbell’s name as if he is a definitive source of nutrition science must be a plant-based (i.e., vegan) ideologue. And you can deep-six that China Study nonsense. Still, I’m not the biggest fan of Gundry either. He, like Campbell, can be very narrow in their views. Stick to whole, unprocessed foods, with lots of vegetables, moderate fruits, moderate protein and you will likely have no major health issues.

  33. This was almost an interesting read until you dropped Cambell’s name in to the article. There are many “Cambell is a quack” articles on the interweb.

  34. Dr. Steve Gundry was on PBS yesterday, Dec. 11, 2021 and he lies. He said never eat fruit that is not in Season. Yet his Vita Red product is fruit. He also said brown spots are not caused by the sun, but are caused by your diet, set he sells a product just for that the sun damage. And it is applied to the skin. Yes, he lies, and therefore, a QUACK. I wish PBS would not invite him on their program.

    • Reply
      Jim (James) Johnson
      January 9, 2022 at 5:35 pm

      You lack common sense! Red Product isnt picking fresh fruit off a vine in off season. Brown stops arent caused by sun either.

  35. Who hurt you my friend? Lol

  36. An unknown quack with no verified medical or scientific skills calling a heart surgeon a quack. That’s rich.

  37. 4.75
    Value For Money


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    • T J Bighem, I do sincerely hope, you’ll feel better, soon!

    • JFC. Could you be any more stupid?

    • Is there a supplement to help you find the Caps Button?

    • Bring racist back, that’s a quack just like trump

      • Ha. Racist never left. It’s been here since the beginning of time, all over the world. It’s a sin of human nature. Thankfully, only a minority are overpowered by it. But I have seen racist people accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, become born again Christians, repent and completely change. Remember George Wallace?
        He was one of millions.

    • Good for you that the supplements work. Just do not include Quack doctor Trump in your comments because he has nothing to do with it, neither is he a scientist to give medical suggestions (whose lies have caused more than hundreds of thousand deaths with the Corona virus).


  38. Just thought that I would leave a message on this waste of space article. The “quack” was published in ‘Circulation’, perhaps the most prestgious peer-reviewed journal in cardiology. vol 144, supp. 1. I’ve never brought his products (I’m on the other side of the world), nor do I intend to. I would suggest a good diet with lots of those “red” foods that he talks about. Certainly we know for example mega-doses of vitamin C have therapeutic effects in doses unobtainable in food.

    I highly doubt this author knows anything beyond the research they carried out to perform this hit piece. I’d probably trust a cardiothoracic colleague over this nonsense, but any sensible doctor would suggest doing your due diligence. The negative reviews were cherry-picked, eg. Josie writes “Was dissapointed it didn’t give me the energy or turm my fat into muscle was very expensive”. I guess the author never thought to use a review of a person who thinks fat might turn into anything other than energy. I would ask Josie why she has no energy if she is carrying a months supply around her waist? I’ve wasted enough time, back to my research. I’m just sick to death of fact-checkers!

    • Lee Brown you’re a dumb idiot you’re really stupid you know that! You’re very ignorant and you’re America hater you don’t realize how lucky you have it here why don’t you take your ass and go move over to Afghanistan or Venezuela and see how you like it over there you’re a loser get educated !

    • I came here to see how long it would take to smear this guy. looks like some idiot had a head start. Why am I not surprised?

  39. Don’t know this Gundry guy and whatever he sells, just wanted to check this name because he wrote about the harm caused by mRNA vaccines. But this article is totally useless; it has zero fact-based information allowing the reader to draw conclusions, it is full of emotions, accusations, someone’s personal experiences, etc. Who cares about this shit? Where is actual information? What a waste of time.

    • I followed his diet guide in The Plant Paradox to shift from Carnivore Diet to mainly plant-based. The goal was to break the plateau and boring Carnivore Diet lifestyle. After four to five weeks the optimal weight was reached and another thing I realized was that my chronic lifetime eczema itch was gone. Big bonus. Probably my gut was healed so harmful things from my gut was not passing into the bloodstream anymore.

      If a stay on Dr. Gundry’s plan I´m superhealthy.. but if I don’t I pay the price. I do not use his supplements and I do not need to when eating healthy whole foods. I use NOW supplements and they work for me.
      If Dr. Gundry is a quack then his quack is meaningful wisdom that everybody should listen to..
      but the guy who wrote this… quackquackquackquack

  40. 4.75
    Value For Money

    1. Cardiologist vs Cardiothoracic surgeon
    The only real difference is that cardiothoracic surgeons perform the surgery. They usually work hand and hand with the cardiologist and have/capable of the same responsibilities as a cardiologist.

    2. Lectins
    – There are many food that if not cooked or consumed in large quantities can be toxic to human. Though the consumption is usually high than most and therefore is not viewed as a imminent threat. The issue with lectins is they can reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and humans are unable to digest lectins and pass through the digestive tracts unchanged due to the human body’s inability to produce the proper enzymes to properly break them doing.

    As stated above diets that contain large quantities as well as foods eaten raw could result in lectin poisoning. Usually to prevent lectin poisoning you boil/cook/eat in moderation and the risk is reduce, but not entirely eliminated. (1). Not saying if you eat lectins you will face the inevitable doom of death, but you “could” still have negative effects.

    According to an article on NCBI written by Katsuya Miyake titled “lectin-Based Food Poisoning: A New Mechanism of Protein Toxicity”(2), “Ingestion of the lectins present in certain improperly cooked vegetables can result in acute GI tract distress, but the mechanism of toxicity is unknown”(2). The research article describes how lectins inhibit exocytosis in gut epithelial cells which leads to gut epithelial cell death, and blocking of ionophore-induced muscus secretion. Basically this means that lectins prevent damaged GI cells (a normal occurrence) from repairing themselves and a dramatic decrease and cell lubricant that acts as an additional protection layer on GI cells, resulting in a higher likely-hood of damage to healthy GI cells due to this deficiency.

    According to “Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins” published by the FDA, “lectins are known for their ability to agglutinate many mammalian red blood cell types, alter cellmembrane transport systems, alter cell permeability to proteins, and generally interfere with cellular metabolism” (3). The FDA goes on to state that lectins have toxic effects and this is due to the established fact that lectines are a plants defense against pests and pathogens. The FDA then goes to state that the toxic dose of lectins can be achieve with as little as four Red kidney beans, causing nausea and vomiting within 1 to 3 hours of ingesting. Complications of upper and lower gastrointestinal illness. Vomiting may become severe. Symptoms in addition to vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain. (3)

    Many other diets to include The Paleo Diet aka modern diets are also in support of eliminating lectins from their diets.

    There is research out there to support that lectins disrupt the digestive tract and based on the facts I have stated with references below support that, Dr. Gundry’s intensions for eliminating lectins is to preserve and strengthen you immune system, eliminate harmful toxins that will aid in degrading the human body and decrease the negative stereotypical changes of aging.

    My personal experience with Dr. Gundry is this… I had heart surgery at age 35. Three years ago I began having chest pains again, feeling fatigued and all the typical symptoms of “Oh no, not again!” I went to my Cardiologist, and after a few tests, he informed me that I had 40% blockage in my arteries and he’ll be seeing me again soon. I was eating the diet he gave me, I was exercising everyday, I was within my BMI. I was doing everyhting I was supposed to do and I still am in trouble. I stumbled upon Dr. Gundry’s website, or an aid on youtube. I bought his vital reds compound, actually a pretty good price something like $26.50 for each 30-day supply and I bought 3 months worth, because my next checkup was in 3 months so if it didn’t work I wouldnt feel like I wasted my money. Three months later same tests NO BLOCKAGE. My cardiologist asked me what I did? I told him the story, he said, “Yeah, I’ve been taking that for a few years now. I’m glad it works for you, keep taking it.” He cant advocate products, for someone because then he would be found liable if something negative happened to me. And yes there was a wonderful conversation after he told me he took it too.

    So I don’t know if all his product work, I personally don’t care, but what I have tried changed my life. For the author of this article – shame on you. Just because you didn’t get a Christmas card last year doesn’t give you the right the slander someone who is actually helping people minus the big pharma drugs. As for the sales people they are a bit annoying and do require a stern talking too. What I did learn though is the products sold on Amazon are not the actual products sold on his website. Each product actually has a bar code on it. This was explained to me by the SALES PERSON that kept calling.

    Finally, Who wrote this article? Any reputable author takes credit for their work. Yet I don’t see a name?



    pg. 254

    + PROS: Great product (Vital Reds) dont know about any other products he sells
    - CONS: Sales people are annoying
    Helpful(13) Unhelpful(2)You have already voted this
    • I read this John. It was GREAT! I have taken the Power Blues for nine months! I do 6 oz. of POM and 6 oz. of water with one scoop. It’s like a supercharge! I totally support what you are doing!! Tell others!! Proud of you!

  41. 0.25
    Value For Money

    Listen, Dr. Gundry’s a quack. Believe me or not — it’s your money and I have no dog in this race; in fact, I’m surprised I’m even wasting my valuable time writing this. Idiotic politics aside (which have no place in these review), you can just follow Dr. Gundry for awhile and ascertain he’s a kook. But fools can’t ascertain, so waste your money – that’s no problem for me. Read what experts have written about him. Listen to what other’s – who have purchased his products – have said. His unscrupulous marketing and paid reputation teams have gone into overdrive to off-set the negative (and real) reviews on this quack. Here’s my experience: Bought his “dark spot” removal. It didn’t work. Tried to enact the 30-day money-back guarantee. After many attempts and a lot of rigmarole, I was told I must use the product for at least a month. I then waited for the full-month. I re-contacted them, and I was told that the guarantee had expired, as the guarantee “is only good for thirty days.” Hello Reader – has this trick been explained clearly enough for you? If not, spend your money, idiot! So, this quack lost me on his non-working, dishonest dark spot eliminator. But, wait! He’s an expert in so much more. Surely, he can find a topic that he’s an “expert” on where he can appeal to you. Good luck, fool!

    + PROS: He's a doctor (with products to sell)- you MUST believe him!
    - CONS: Products don't work; expensive
    Helpful(9) Unhelpful(3)You have already voted this
    • I doubt you actually dealt with the doctor himself and simply got caught up in the “sales” process of the people fulfilling orders. Just because you got inconvenienced doesn’t make the science incorrect.

      • Fool! 1. Did you read the part where I said I tried the product, and it didn’t work? (As countless others have.) 2. If he puts his name on it, he’s responsible for the selling gimmicks and charade. Any self-respecting person doesn’t allow his products or name to be involved in a this non-sense. 3. I was wasn’t “inconvenienced,” I was defrauded. 4. Just because you say the science is correct, doesn’t make the science correct. That does for him, too. 5. The science is is incorrect – read the article and the qualified remarks within. Sergio, either you’re brain-dead or a Gundry bot. Geez!

  42. 5
    Value For Money

    Mehhh. Dr Gundry supplement works. Yes I spent money already. Ask him for Mic Ray he will tell you.

    + PROS: Just works!
    - CONS: This stupid article.
    Helpful(2) Unhelpful(3)You have already voted this
  43. 5
    Value For Money

    I love taken Dr. Gundry supplements. I have been using them for 5 weeks. I have lost some weight. My clothes are loose. I have starting waking up early and feeling light and happy to jump out of bed to get my day going. My pain level is low and I feel like I did in my 40s. I will be having labs done we with my primary care physician in two weeks. So I will be telling you the truth about Dr. Gundry supplements. I will leave my name here. The bad reviews do not have a name. I am Catherine Selbee from Georgia. I am posting this on Nov.14 2021. I am currently using. Dr. Gundry Bio Complete 3, Vital Reds, MCT, Energy Renew, Heart Defense,and ProPlant Complete. I TRULY LOVE THESE PRODUCTS. ????

    + PROS: They make me feel so much better and the pounds are falling off.
    - CONS: Yes they are????????????????????????. They are working for me.
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  44. This review appears to be very biased against Dr. Steven Gundry MD and provides very little scientific evidence (lectins and oxygen?) and does not convince me that the products are “poison”. This review is so “over the top” negative and claims that every product is bad is simply not true. I have tried the products and experienced renewed energy and better health and digestion. No, I did not get intestinal cramps and diarrhea (which is typically caused by bacteria) and try to eat fresh foods and drink lots of purified water. I see lots of other companies advertising about the leaky gut and the harmful effects. It is not all quackery as the reviewer claims. Yes, you should eat a balanced diet with actual fresh healthy food and exercise. Many supplements are poor quality with fillers so you have to read the label. Many have complained of the high cost, and in America we have the free enterprise system of competition based on supply and demand. We have become a nation that takes any pill the Doctor prescribes and take it without question. Does that mean that every Doctor is a pill pusher and a quack? I wish every medical clinic had a nutritionist to help us with preventative care. Dr. Gundry has found a huge demand because of the lack of nutritional advice, and I will continue to review and compare information from different companies as an educated consumer to determine what is best for me and my health and my life. Dr. Gundry is offering solutions and I wish that there will be more choices available in the future from other “nutritional providers” at more competitive prices with new and exciting products to help us live better and healthier lives. The reviewer did very little to help answer the basic fundamental solution to point us in an alternate direction and provide a better choice. It appears to me that the reviewer has no one else to recommend so I will boldly proclaim that the reviewer must be a “Reviewer QUACK” !!!

  45. 3.35
    Value For Money

    I came here for serious reviews. A Trump/Qanon person supporting a product really brings it into disrepute, as they are gullible people. Please stick to the science. Even the article jumping quickly to terms like ‘quack’ before explaining the science behind why he is wrong seems a bit emotional. Can someone clear up what does or doesn’t happen at the stomach lining level?

    Helpful(3) Unhelpful(0)You have already voted this
  46. I’ve seen no negative comments pertaining to the money back guarantee. If there are negative comments, stating that it is not complied with please state so.
    It doesn’t appear that there are any long-term negative affects to your health, so why not try it and get a refund if it doesn’t work, no harm no foul.
    If there are any, please confirm the negative comments about the moneyback guarantee, thank you

  47. Dr Guntry is a proven surgeon, who ever put this garbage, “ PROPAGANDA “ UP

  48. I apologize my dictation wasn’t correct I said I don’t appreciate the person that’s writing this article about dr. Gundry being a quack it’s kind of funny but it’s rude and one thing that is not funny at all is calling the people that buy this supplements a brainless that’s rude he’s calling me bring this I don’t appreciate that though he doesn’t know me you should be careful not to disrespect people but I do appreciate its article

  49. 3.6
    Value For Money

    I really don’t know what to think I did take dr. Gundry supplement thought I felt a change . I don’t appreciate the person that is writing this that is calling the people that bought dr. Gundry supplements bring list he does make me laugh when he calls him a quack and then I feel like an idiot cuz I bought them and I spent quite some money my son said mom don’t listen to that doctor he’s a scammer and I said no son he’s a real doctor he explains to you and the videos how the body works and how was it ended bad for you. I spend around $260 and his products I don’t have that kind of money to spend if the products are not going to work I need supplements at work. I don’t know what to say he’s a legitimate doctor yes it’s true he is not a nutritionist. One thing I could say I don’t think that these products are harmful I was getting a bit of a stomach ache and needing to go to the bathroom but maybe was because I needed to clean out my stomach first. I think the most important thing is that we should just ask our doctors but then again our doctors are part of the Pharma industry. I pray that these supplements won’t harm anybody and hopefully they didn’t harm me. Maybe there is truth in both ways for the person that says is and dr. Gundry right now I’m unsure about anyting.

    + PROS: Is a real doctor and he seems like a nice person
    - CONS: There's in his voice that I questioned
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  50. 0.1
    Value For Money

    what about Gundry’s olive oil and olive oil health claims?

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  51. 3.5
    Value For Money

    Was dissapointed it didn’t give me the energy or turm my fat into muscle was very expensive

    + PROS: Liked the taste very much of the renew energy bought 6 jars but didn’t fell much change
    - CONS: Was going to order 3more but the price is ridiculous
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  52. 0.5
    Value For Money

    “If something is good for everything it’s usually good for nothing.” That is a statement I heard many years ago. I took vital reds for a few months with no visible improvement. Then I noted the numerous other “cures” Dr. Grundy was selling at a big price and with a long sale spiel. “Just get to the point!”, I thought, “ If your product is so good, it doesn’t take 45 minutes to convince one to buy.”
    My primary care doctor said that if one is eating a balanced diet, there is no need for supplements. A primary care doctor can give all the dietary advice one needs.

    + PROS: .5
    - CONS: 4.5
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  53. 0.6
    Value For Money

    I have been using 2 Gundry products for almost 2 years – Bio Complete and Lectin Shield. After reading these comments/reviews I know for sure I will stop ordering them. I want to just accept that I’m human and made a mistake. I thought they might help with my gut issues, but in the long run I think they have had no real effect. Perhaps what I thought were the supplements helping my digestion was really just my own body/mind/spirit recovering from loss of a loved one and great anxiety during that process. I was probably reacting to stressful situations, without his loving support, and that was new for me. I was having terrible stomach aches, bloating, diarrhea, etc. When things in my life were calm, I felt alright. I attributed these good reactions to the supplements, when actually it had nothing to do with them. I realize now that since I added meditation to my daily routine – using awareness, understanding the meaning of consciousness, controlled breathing – they were all extremely helpful. Obviously eating well, getting enough sleep, and my favorite, exercise, contribute so much to better health. I gave up trying to control everything, and beating myself up for mistakes. My body and spirit feel way better than any pills Gundry hawks. I don’t think they are particularly harmful (except to my wallet), at least, I hope not; but I will no longer take them and waste money on something that does nothing. Using these supplements might have been just part of my journey to finding what I was really looking for, so I try not to feel like it was totally stupid. We are all on a our own path in this life and even silly mistakes have a place in it.

    + PROS: Learning another lesson
    - CONS: Total con job, most likely
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  54. 5
    Value For Money

    I think Carolyns review was so true,..the person who wrote this article was so wrong!…
    I am 79 years old & my Doctor wanted to keep giving me prescriptions instead of getting to the cause…Dr Gundrys Advise saved me & some of my family..I didn’t buy his books or his supplements, just his advice!
    So don’t believe everything that is written by this article!

    + PROS: Helped many people..
    - CONS: Maybe his supplements are a bit pricey..but they are quality, not like the supermarket
    Helpful(10) Unhelpful(6)You have already voted this
  55. I am open to truth. Can you give more scientific proof as to how his supplements are bad for peoples health? Thank you

  56. 5
    Value For Money

    This review article sounds like a person who believes Biden is good for the country wrote it. Dr Gundry himself tells you why he chose prevention measures to combat heart disease. Duh,why would anyone choose future heart surgery, feeling awful and more likely death over health? Masses of people saved and feeling good over the few that could be repaired with surgery. You don’t have Gundry’s credentials correct either. He was head of his department and did the research and funding himself because he believed in it and cares about people, not some second rate surgeon out to make money as you portrait.

    + PROS: Proven research that many others are now agreeing with. Quality products and processing. Honesty, including what and how to achieve these goals without Dr Gundry's products. Great customer service where understanding real people answer the phone. Stands behind their money back guarantee.
    - CONS: For everything that goes into the products and customer service the prices are very reasonable. Comparison wise they are better quality and similarly priced to other"feel better lose weight get healthy," products on the market. For my own budget they are expensive.
    Helpful(9) Unhelpful(11)You have already voted this

  58. I couldn’t understand why a very successful heart surgion would leave his chosen profession that he had spent years preparing for, but his article on digestive health and the importance of probiotics sounded reasonable. So I ordered three bottles and used them. I saw no change using the product. After ordering that, I read that good bacteria needed special nutrients to feed them. OK, I decided to give that a try. No toticeable benefit. Then it was Vital Reds that was suppoe to give you energy and endurance. I saw no difference using that either. I didn’t finish those bottles and decided that Dr. Gundry was taking advantage and was a scam, but that didn’t seem possible by a doctor. I even looked up his credentials and his reputation which seemd superior and unquestionable. Now I have received another email, years later, pushing another digestive aid with a different convincing sell. To me, it is inconceivable that a Doctor of his apparent stature would stoop to this level. He gets you interested in a product with his sales pitch about how, as a result of his reearch, he has discovered a solution to a problem that no one else in the medical field has been able to discover. He tells how it is making people feel so much better, results guarenteed or your money gladed refunded. Then within a couple weeks he promotes another product that will help the first product work better. He is, in my humble opinion, less that a credit to his fellow doctors in the medical profession.

    • Why do all you trump cult followers insist on bringing politics in to every topic. None of this has anything to do with ByeDON. Trump lost get over it. Touch on the facts of the article (which I believe was written by someone that despises Dr Steve) none the less keep you politics to sites directly related to politics.

      • Most of the supplements are scum lol. A right diet should provide you with enough vitamins. His diet makes sense for autoimmune disease. I have psoriasis/Psa for a year and since I stopped the beans and the grain it almost faded in 3 days. Yesterday I decided to test his theory about squashes and after consuming a tray of butternut squash and zucchini my elbows got red and inflamed again. I think his “paradox” is more carb related.

        • I was on the supplements for a few months, and my blood results showed my liver enzymes were all out of whack afterwards. I was diagnosed with fatty liver and told to remove the supplements. After removing the supplements, my fatty liver went back to normal ranges.

      • The Prebiotic Formula has helped my intestines greatly. No more IBS or discomfort.

      • And I guess you voted for Biden the president that is destroying our country. Shows how intelligent you are.

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